Everyday throughout North America, thousands of children miss school due to fear or intimidation of bullies. In fact, many believe that fear of bullying may be the leading cause of low self confidence in children. Worse, statistics suggest that less then 15% of kids actually report acts of bullying. We know that most bullies are insecure and seek self esteem by harassing smaller or weaker children. Warrior Way Martial Arts has three objectives:

  1. Boost confidence: Bullies are less likely to target self confident children. We instill confidence by teaching techniques that will neutralize the attack of a larger opponent.
  2. Increase awareness: Harassment from bullies can be physical or verbal and delivered at various intensity levels. In each lesson, we focus on teaching your child to recognize and respond to the most common physical and verbal bully behaviors.
  3. Be ready: Only when your child makes it clear that he/she will not tolerate the harassment, will they free themselves of the bullies torment. We will prepare them for every common contingency.

Furthermore, we teach children how to diffuse confrontations with words and never to initiate physical aggression. If attacked, we offer techniques to non-violently neutralize the threat and gain control until help arrives. At Warrior Way we teach the children how to “fight fire with water.”

Besides equipping your child with all these skills on the mats, and playground, we have also added the character development program. Aside from preparing your child to deal with bullies, the other objective of our program is to instill your child the character traits that will lead to success in all areas of life. There are eight chapters in the character development program:

  • Tolerance
  • Perseverance
  • Courage
  • Responsibility
  • Health
  • Respect
  • Strength
  • Honor

We dedicate time in each class to address the featured trait and the simple things they can do to make the trait a part of their everyday lives.

Warrior Way Little Warriors Classes: These classes are open to any child ages 4, 5 and 6 years old.  Students will work on a combination of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai Kickboxing, and American Freestyle Karate as well as learn the 8 components of Warrior Way’s character development program.

Warrior Way Kids Classes: This program is open to any child who has achieved the rank of yellow belt in the Little Warriors class or are ages 7 or older. Students will work on a combination of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai Kickboxing, and American Freestyle Karate as well as learn the 8 components of Warrior Way’s character development program.

Youth Muay Thai Kickboxing: This class is only intended for students who have achieved a rank of red belt or higher in our Warrior Way kids program or ages 10 or older.  This class focuses primary on the technique and basics taught in our Muay Thai curriculum.

Youth Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: This class is only intended for students who have achieved a rank of red belt or higher in our Warrior Way kids program or are ages 10 or older.  This class focuses primary on the techniques and basics taught in our Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu curriculum.