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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Little Warrior, WW Kids, and Teens Jiu Jitsu Promotions

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Master Caique Winter Seminars

Master Caique for the annual winter seminars. The seminars were followed by promotions of students and instructors alike. Professor Harvy Berman, received his 3rd stripe on his black belt recognizing his 9 Years as a black belt! Professor Brandon McDaniel, received his 2nd stripe on his black belt. The most notable promotion was that of Pat Spehar becoming a black belt! Congratulations to everyone who got promoted and thank you to all those who were able to attend the end of the year gathering!

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Myles Jury UfC Fight Night

Good Luck to Myles Jury!!!

American Grappling Challenge



American Grappling Challenge!!!
Justin Nazaroff won the brown belt absolute division.
Justin McHugh won gold in his blue belt division.
Kelly McHugh won silver in her blue belt division.
Kyle Maddock won his youth blue belt division and his no-gi division.

Veterans Day

Warrior Way, sends a heartfelt thank you to all the veterans, past and present who have sacrificed for our freedom!

Caique Seminars And End Of The Year Party


MMA Championship Fights

congratulations to Fabio D’Agostino, Marco Smallman, Matt Cylla, and Adam Alexander on their big wins this weekend securing three championship belts!!!fabio marco matt

adam alexander

Modern Flow Jiu Jitsu Results

Congratulations to those who competed in the Modern Flow Jiu Jitsu Tournament! Delaney Drapeau took 2nd place in her division. James Laginess took 3rd in the purple belt division. Michael Kort took 3rd in his white belt division. Howard Sweeney took 2nd in his division as well as the absolute division.

howard delaney

Upcoming Kids Tests and Promotions

kids test 2015

Holiday Closings

holiday closings